Automation department of “Elevar” develops modern automation control systems for production.
Department executes comprehensive works: from creation of general concept of automation of a certain process till development of electrical diagrams and necessary software:

development of concept and design documentation;

configuring and setting up of hardware system components;

programming and configuring controllers;

design and development of operator’s interface;

development of production control and monitoring systems;

putting developed systems into operation;

executes system integration of software as per requirements to project and Client’s preferences.
”Elevar” uses new tool for creation of optimum production control system – virtual plant (based on Piping Animation Engine software, developed by “Elevar” experts), uses simulation program of technological processes. During design the abovementioned software is used to create simulation of technological processes that require automation.
Simulation allows working out all cyclograms of processes, check the recipes control. Different emergency situations, faults and troubleshooting can be checked. Personnel is trained on this simulation thus reducing risk and number of possible mistakes during practice. By the moment when put into operation the control system is completely tested on simulation.
Use of simulation of technological processes allows for:

faster putting the plant into operation;

saving of materials and media used during commissioning works and personnel training;

minimizing technical mistakes during putting into operation.
Modern software is used during work: Step7, WinCC, PCS7, Archestra, Plant IT.
Employees are improving their skills regularly participating in workgroups discussions, trainings arranged by Endress&Hauser, Danfoss, Omron, Proleit, Klinkmann, Siemens, ABB, with which “Elevar” has long-term cooperation.